Time for a postcard. (= picture and some text)

The lust to write is going dispassionate, the urge to write is loosing its urgency.
Reminds me of that joke that Isaac tells once in a while about mañana.
Here is a version from the web: So there’s this linguists’ convention in Dublin, and one of the visiting professors asks an Irish linguist if there is any word in Gaelic that corresponds to “mañana.”
The Irish linguist thinks for a moment, and replies, “well, there is, but it doesn’t convey the same sense of urgency.

Found with this joke:  What kind of bees make milk? Boobies!
(This was a postcard, right?).
There’ truth in jokes! But no word about the lion!!

Sunday I went with another Dutch guy to Auroville/Pondycherry, where he wanted to visit a hugging lady (Another Amma) and I wanted an excursion and my plan is to go the last days of my stay in India there too. So checked it out. It made me drop the idea of postponing my flight for a few days. And I ate something that made my system go funny. Stomach problem, energy loss, bowels producing basicly water, feverish hangover feeling.
The fysical state in which this body gets so fluidly elastic, that when squatted it can piss over its own balls. Reminded me of this morning (long ago I have to admit) in bed with a lovely mistress and her daughter observed: look, he has two willies. And that one reminded me after a while of a simular situation, (different mistress, different daughter), where the childs observation was that Karl’s one was bigger than the present one. Yeah, there was also a lot of laughter during those days. 🙂

Already for almost a week I have not set foot on the premises of Ramanashram.
Am strolling around a bit, went to this out of proportions big ashram out in the field here, which appeared to be dedicated to what’s called the Beggar Saint or Swami Ramsuratkumar. The space is immense and there is almost no one there, a tiny bunch of women seems to keep a chanting going permanently and several times per day there is a ritual. The energy is good and part of the ritual is that a kind of  caretaker switches on a machine that consists of a drum two moveable sticks, a bell and an electro motor, that produces an enormous celebrating sound, like a one engined fanfare.

Then there was a professor who gave a lecture not long ago in Ramana Tower, the luxury a/c hotel at the end of my street, on the works and sayings of another Saint that is known as Swami Ramalinga and also known as Vallalar. An Indian man told me about this (the word is that this Swami predicted the evolution theory and and and) and after that I was in search for his book. I was in at least four ashrams that are dedicated to him, all places where they are very devoted, but did not seem to have any idea about what he has written. By now I know that the book is one by the professor, I have a magazine started by the professor and his emailaddress. So the search goes on.

Monday morning my feet were ravaged, I could hardly walk and only then I dialed the number that this lady gave me who i saw on the first bike with a derailleur. She had rented it till sunday and only monday i found the time (and had the need again) to go for a bike.
I made an appointment with this Tom over lunch and when I asked a younger man if he was Tom it appeared to be the elderly man who was just taking a seat next to him.
Thuesday morning I biked around the mountain before breakfast and only later I understood why it was so heavy; my system was on tilt.

Well, the postcard is full.
I’ll write another one or two I guess.


PS Although the Ramanashram scenery feels a bit boring these days (as if they started to belief their own myth that only Ramana got it), there is a smother of self‐sufficiency in the air, surfacing in what this Dr. Murthy expressed:”Nono, we have no idea what all the others are doing here satsangwise, we are not interested at all, we are blinded by the Bhagavan”. “And we have the holy mountain of course”, he added.
And there is certainly something with this mountain, if only by all the stories, people not able to leave for years, people postponing their flight three times, etc etc.
So, for the mountain: “Arunachala ki jay”   “Arunachala ki jay”   “Arunachala ki jay”

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One Response to Time for a postcard. (= picture and some text)

  1. barbara joseph says:

    beautifull report as ever!!
    spring is hitting the surface of our faces these days..
    nature has its ways to enlighten ..

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