Monthly Archives: September 2014

Whisperers speak out

            The pic of this beautifull amethyst comes from The Crystal Whisperer blog on blogspot! Whispering is an art that speaks to our imagination apparently. Since the Horse Whisperer we have all kinds of ‘m. … Continue reading

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Zo’n tekst zit met zwaluwstaartjes in elkaar

(Solution of the puzzle here)         “Zo’n tekst zit met zwaluwstaartjes in elkaar“. Deze prachtige zin las ik laatst in een commentaar op een bespreking van het prachtige lied  Nederlands/Engels van Kees Torn. Ook het lied is … Continue reading

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Humor, I love it part 4 (That was weird)

I saw the drawing below on facebook and wrote as a comment: I burst out in laughter and am still laughing while typing this.               Alexander Hill That Was Weird Graphite, 2013 (Found on … Continue reading

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Company in hell or heaven for growth?

Recently been hanging out again for two weeks in the retreat in Germany with Isaac Shapiro and Meike Schütt. Of one of the issues that was brought up that led to a deep going conversation that touches the also deep … Continue reading

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What is it that produces the sense of Hans?

To skip the attuning silence, jump to 3’48. httpv:// During this retreat I picked up the habit to make one drawing a day. Today’s one is called ‘Pancake day’:  

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What are you thinking about the theory of karma?


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Derek the truth tracker, or Meji and Ramji 6.

                        (artwork by Cornelia Forster from the website   “ante scriptum” PS: for the other Meji and Ramji’s, search for Meji and Ramji.   Per email I informed … Continue reading

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It’s not even appearing in something, it’s just appearing

To skip the attuning silence, jump to 3’18. httpv:// During this retreat I picked up the habit to make one drawing a day. Today’s one:

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