Whisperers speak out

amethyst_druse_01-Edit copy






The pic of this beautifull amethyst comes from The Crystal Whisperer blog on blogspot!

Whispering is an art that speaks to our imagination apparently.

Since the Horse Whisperer we have all kinds of ‘m.

For some reason I have been watching the National Geographic Channel for a few mornings. That is how I came to watch a program that is called the Dog whisperer.

This morning it dawned on me that what this man, Cesar Millan, is doing with dogs and the people owning them, has many simularities with what I see Isaac Shapiro do with people. (I now remember that I once called him jokingly a people whisperer).

But really, part of the language used comes down to the same. It is based on very very precise observing of behaviours. This combined with a deep understanding/knowing of underlying patterns, going as deep as the functioning of the nervous system and the different evolutionary levels of the brains ( the ones in men and dogs I mean).

And the more and more involving the ‘group’ in what is happening in the retreat, where the group is held co-responsible for the mysteriously arising of ‘a field’ and is called the team or is  named as the Sangha, is alike what in Cesar’s language is called ‘a pack of dogs’. (“I have to take the dog with me, it can’t be healed by human presence alone, it needs my pack of dogs to learn how to behave with other dogs”)

I told a friend (the one that I called Viennetta Adams before) this afternoon that this thought about those simularities had come up.
Of course she said, it comes down to the same.
(Except for the search for who we are, the discovery that we ‘are’ consciousness, a
problem that for dogs doesn’t seem to arise, I would like to add).

And she added that she had seen Eckhart Tolle (Oprah Winfrey’s favourite guru)
pay his respect to Cesar the dog whisperer.
And here it is, on the good old Youtube, two masters meeting:


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One Response to Whisperers speak out

  1. b.c.joseph says:

    thank you
    thank you
    thank you!!

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