Last August I have done another week of juice fasting in combination with this Arise and Shine herbs. I wrote about this before.
So I intended to write a personal portrait of the participants of this group, just for fun.
Yet, it just didn’t happen.
And tomorrow is already the first day of the next week of same same.
A lot has happened meanwhile. But writing reports is on a low level at the moment.
Will give a paragraph from my notes on food and eating that I wrote during the last silent retreat with Isaac Shapiro and that included my ‘discovery’ of the paleo diet in the form of a man from Australia that I have known for years now in retreats.
When I saw him this time something had shifted in this man. Although already quite slim, he lost 10 kilos, his posture changed and his skin was even more shining then before.
Here is the paragraph that I decided to type out, in bring to you with the pictures I made especially for this occasion (this was written during the first week op September):
“The last month I feel fysically way to heavy. I eat diary products like crazy.
To give an example: the same last month, except for the arise and shine week, I was eating a very healthy desert. A big bio mango, totally juicy, together with 1/8 liter of bio cream, whipped and on the wipped cream a good amount of fair trade chocolate.
And that was just my desert, each and every day. Such a desert is enough to survive for a week!
When I met my favourite hunter gatherer from down under my weight was 92.5 kg
By now we start this new cleaning week on 88.5 kg.
We’ll see.