Legacy Origins of Civilization

(This blog has been in draft since August last year. I post it finally, no idea about why the delay).


Just watched a youtube that was posted some time ago by Unnat on facebook, and that has waited patiently in one of the again and again reopened windows in Chrome untill the hour came that I would watch it. Well, the past hour was that hour.
Great documentary on us humans exploding out of the Garden of Eden. 
With at around 20′ 40 this quote from the Epic of Gilgamesh: 
“What you seek you shall never find. 
For when the Gods made man, 
They kept immortality to themselves.
Fill your belly.
Day and night make merry.
Let Days be full of joy.
Love the child who holds your hand.
Let your wife delight in your embrace.
For these alone are the concerns of man.”

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