New Year 2014 (2)

‘He’ is Sri Gnananda Giri, de hoofdpersoon in het boek Guru and Disciple.

Maar weer eens een quote.

Another time he said: “God has four kinds of client. The first are those who from time to time wake up from their sleep, think about him for a moment, murmur ‘Lord, Lord’, and in no time forget about him and fall asleep again.

“The second are genuinely pious. they visit temples, offer puja’s, take part in pilgrimage after pilgrimage, sing hymns, practice japa, minister to sadhu’s–but it is all done with a view to obtaining material blessings, like health, wealth, or social position.

“The third kind are the true bhakta’s. They do all that the second do, but they do it purely in the hope of obtaining spiritual blessings. Nothing else in the world is of interest to them. They only want God, and God alone.

“Finally there are those who no longer pray or ask God for anything–not even for God himself. They have no concern even for God himself. They are the jnani’s.”

“But if that is so, Swami-ji,” asked Vanya, “then what difference is there between the jnani and the nastika, an atheist or a materialist? He also has no desire or need for God!”

“There is none the less a difference, and an important one,” he replied. “The difference is that the jnani has no desire, either for God or for anything else at all, while the nastika wants everything except God!

“There are the people who want everything except God, others who want everything and also god, others who want only God, and yet others who, having recognized themselves in God, are no longer capable of any desire, even for God.”

The one who no longer has any desire,
who is freed from all desire,
whose every desire has been fulfilled,
whose sole desire is for the Self;

The one whose heart has been set free
from all the desires which dwell there,
who has become immortal,
who has attained Brahman in this world;

The one in whom have been cut
all the knots of the heart here on earth
(from two Upanishads)


The desires referred to here are by no means abstract or imaginary, but the very concrete and particular desires which at every moment beset the human heart: the desire for a caress or for a good meal, the desire to meet a friend or read a good book, the desire to enjoy a marvellous “heaven”. . . .

Tot zover een eerste quote uit ‘a good book’.

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2 Responses to IK HEB WEER EEN BOEK uit

  1. Barbara Joseph says:

    en hoe moet ik het zien, het verlangen naar aandacht, dat opkomt vanuit de onvrije ruimte, maar word gezien in de vrije ruimte..
    wil zeggen het bewustzijn dat zich van al het menselijke gewaar is,
    blijft dat niet doorgaan/?

  2. Hoi, goed van je te horen.
    Ik moet goed kijken om het verband te zien met de vier soorten klanten Gods.
    Afgaand op wat ik zie staan: verlangen komt op.
    Onvrije ruimte en vrije ruimte is al weer een gedachte die er overheen is geplakt.
    Ja, atman is comtinue, voortdurend, altijd en eeuwig.
    Maar ook dat is eer een gedachte als vraag er overheen geplakt.
    Een verlangen komt op ….
    En dan?

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