Category Archives: my blog

Die Lehre Buddhas

              Recently I stayed in a hotel in Kassel. To my surprise I found in my room not only the obligatory New Testament, but also Die Lehre Budhas/The Teaching of Buddha, published by The … Continue reading

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Whisperers speak out

            The pic of this beautifull amethyst comes from The Crystal Whisperer blog on blogspot! Whispering is an art that speaks to our imagination apparently. Since the Horse Whisperer we have all kinds of ‘m. … Continue reading

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Humor, I love it part 4 (That was weird)

I saw the drawing below on facebook and wrote as a comment: I burst out in laughter and am still laughing while typing this.               Alexander Hill That Was Weird Graphite, 2013 (Found on … Continue reading

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Company in hell or heaven for growth?

Recently been hanging out again for two weeks in the retreat in Germany with Isaac Shapiro and Meike Schütt. Of one of the issues that was brought up that led to a deep going conversation that touches the also deep … Continue reading

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Derek the truth tracker, or Meji and Ramji 6.

                        (artwork by Cornelia Forster from the website   “ante scriptum” PS: for the other Meji and Ramji’s, search for Meji and Ramji.   Per email I informed … Continue reading

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‘I see that you waited for this your whole life actually’, or Meji and Ramji 5.

Dear James, We like to think about ourselves in positive terms. Not that we succeed in this all the time, but at least we try. Having a rebellious disposition, I like to think about myself as a rebel with a … Continue reading

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Meta mumbling 2: taming the wolverine

                Summary indication of the below long text: confronting my unstoppable tendency to eat too much and to grow a year by year increasing obesity. Report of what happened.   Hello Isaac etal, … Continue reading

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Meditation Isn’t Enough: A Buddhist Perspective on Suicide

            This article was posted on facebook. I give it a place on myblog. (I appreciate the article and on facebook I can’t find things back). The author is Lodro Rinzler, (Writer of ‘The Buddha … Continue reading

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Two sessions Somatic Experiencing

            During the last retreat in Venwoude there where two Somatic Experiencing sessions that still feel relevant (in ‘my’ story) to share about. The first was with Caitlin Catley, the second was with Petra Zimmermann. … Continue reading

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‘My’ knot and the Traviata by Verdi

This weekend I saw a stunningly intense documentary on the rehearsals for a performance in 2011 of Verdi’s opera La Traviata. The totally intense and loving working together on something beautifull made me cry my heart out. And, I just … Continue reading

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